2005/04/18 | 导电体[Electrical Conductor]
类别(Ω〖物理〗) | 评论(0) | 阅读(45) | 发表于 15:53
An electrical conductor is a substance through which electrical current flows with small resistance. Metals are generally excellent electrical conductors. In the language of solid state physics, the electrons in conductors lie in a so-called "conduction band" that is directly on top of a so-called "valence band." Resistance increases with increasing temperature in conductors.
The boundary conditions satisfied at the surface of an electrical conductor are




in cgs, where is the unit normal vector, E is the electric field, is the electrical conductivity, B is the magnetic field, c is the speed of light, and K is the surface current.
In MKS, the equations become




where is the permittivity of free space and is the permeability of free space.
In the interior of a solid electric conductor,

Similarly, inside a hollow conductor,

This means that the voltage is constant throughout the conductor and equal to the value at the surface. Thus, a body surrounded by a conductor is shielded from external electric fields. This is the principle of the Faraday cage.

