2005/04/11 | Kähler公式[Kähler Form]
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A closed two-form on a complex manifold M which is also the negative imaginary part of a Hermitian metric is called a Kähler form. In this case, M is called a Kähler manifold and g, the real part of the Hermitian metric, is called a Kähler metric. The Kähler form combines the metric and the complex structure, indeed

where J is the almost complex structure induced by multiplication by i. Since the Kähler form comes from a Hermitian metric, it is preserved by J, i.e., since [img]http://mathworld.wolfram.com/kimg215.gif[img] . The equation implies that the metric and the complex structure are related. It gives M a Kähler structure, and has many implications.
On , the Kähler form can be written as

where . In general, the Kähler form can be written in coordinates

where is a Hermitian metric, the real part of which is the Kähler metric. Locally, a Kähler form can be written as , where f is a function called a Kähler potential. The Kähler form is a real -complex form.
Since the Kähler form is closed, it represents a cohomology class in de Rham cohomology. On a compact manifold,it cannot be exact because is the volume form determined by the metric. In the special case of a projective variety, the Kähler form represents an integral cohomology class. That is, it integrates to an integer on any one-dimensional submanifold, i.e., an algebraic curve. The Kodaira embedding theorem says that if the Kähler form represents an integral cohomology class on a compact manifold, then it must be a projective variety. There exist Kähler forms which are not projective algebraic, but it is an open question whether or not any Kähler manifold can be deformed to a projective variety (in the compact case).
A Kähler form satisfies Wirtinger's inequality,

where the right-hand side is the volume of the parallelogram formed by the tangent vectors X and Y. Corresponding inequalities hold for the exterior powers of . Equality holds iff X and Y form a complex subspace. Therefore, is a calibration form, and the complex submanifolds of a Kähler manifold are calibrated submanifolds. In particular, the complex submanifolds are locally volume minimizing in a Kähler manifold. For example, the graph of a holomorphic function is a locally area-minimizing surface in

