2005/10/12 | 新月[New Moon]
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The phase of the Moon in which the side facing Earth is dark and unilluminated. New moons occur when the Moon is between the Earth and Sun. The new moon reaches its highest altitude at noon.

New moons occur on Julian days

where n is an integer. The lunation number is defined such that lunation n = 1 corresponds to the new moon that occurred in 1923. The date of the new moon closest to a given date can be found using New Moon[neardate] in the Mathematica application package Scientific Astronomer, which returns a results accurate to within about three minutes.

The following table gives the dates and times (in UT) for new moons in 2001-2004 computed using Scientific Astronomer.

Lunation 2001 Date (UT) Lunation 2002 Date (UT) Lunation 2003 Date (UT) Lunation 2003 Date (UT)
966 2001-01-24 13:07 978 2002-01-13 13:29 990 2003-01-02 20:23 1003 2004-01-21 21:06
967 2001-02-23 08:21 979 2002-02-12 07:42 991 2003-02-01 10:48 1004 2004-02-20 09:19
968 2001-03-25 01:23 980 2002-03-14 02:04 992 2003-03-03 02:36 1005 2004-03-20 22:41
969 2001-04-23 15:28 981 2002-04-12 19:22 993 2003-04-01 19:19 1006 2004-04-19 13:21
970 2001-05-23 02:47 982 2002-05-12 10:45 994 2003-05-01 12:14 1007 2004-05-19 04:52
971 2001-06-21 11:58 983 2002-06-10 23:47 995 2003-05-31 04:18 1008 2004-06-17 20:27
972 2001-07-20 19:45 984 2002-07-10 10:27 996 2003-06-29 18:38 1009 2004-07-17 11:23
973 2001-08-19 02:55 985 2002-08-08 19:15 997 2003-07-29 06:53 1010 2004-08-16 01:23
974 2001-09-17 10:27 986 2002-09-07 03:09 998 2003-08-27 17:26 1011 2004-09-14 14:30
975 2001-10-16 19:23 987 2002-10-06 11:17 999 2003-09-26 03:09 1012 2004-10-14 02:50
976 2001-11-15 06:40 988 2002-11-04 20:36 1000 2003-10-25 12:51 1013 2004-11-12 14:27
977 2001-12-14 20:48 989 2002-12-04 07:36 1001 2003-11-23 23:00 1014 2004-12-12 01:28
        1002 2003-12-23 09:44    

Solar eclipses occur only at New Moons.


