2004/09/05 | 挥发物[Volatiles]
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On the basis of isotopes studies, the terrestrial planets appear to have lost volatiles at some stage. Mars is enriched in 15N, probably implying that nonthermal escape allowed 14N to preferentially escape. The enrichment of noble gases in Venus relative to Earth and Earth relative to Mars ()is a mystery. The D/H ratio for Venus in , compared to for Earth, implying that a great deal of water has been lost from Venus's atmosphere.
N2 and CO2 have approximately the same abundances in Venus and Earth, but are much more abundant in Mars.For 40Ar/36Ar, Venus Earth Mars. For the three planets, the following are similar:20Ne/36Ar,38Ar/36Ar, 18O/16O, and 13C/12C.Similar N, Ar, and CO2abundances between Venus and the Earth suggest a similar degree of outgassing, but higher 40Ar/36Ar for the Earth suggests that later outgassing was more efficient.

