2005/08/14 | 电报方程[Telegraphy Equations]
类别(Ω〖物理〗) | 评论(0) | 阅读(262) | 发表于 10:24
The telegraphy equations describe the propagation of electric signals, and predict traveling damped electromagnetic waves. To derive them, begin with the Maxwell equations in a dielectric medium. In cgs,




where E is the electric field, is the charge density, is the electric permittivity, c is the speed of light, B is the magnetic field, is the magnetic permeability, and J is the current density. In MKS, the corresponding equations are




Assume we are in a regime where Ohm's law holds, so that

where is the electrical conductivity. Then (4) becomes in cgs,

and in MKS,

Consider the electric field in cgs,


and in MKS,


Using equation (4) to eliminate in cgs


and in MKS


Now, if is constant, then and the equations reduce to in cgs

and in MKS

Consider the magnetic field in cgs



and in MKS



Using equation (2) to eliminate . In cgs

and in MKS

Equations (17) to (18) and (23) to (24) are known as the equations of telegraphy.

A harmonic traveling wave in the dielectric will be of the form

Therefore, in cgs

so the propagation vector is
If , then equations (5) and (6) simplify further to in cgs


and in MKS


which are wave equations for the coupled E and B fields, predicting the existence of electromagnetic radiation.

